Wisdom Through Quotes
Reflection on the power of quotes to encourage understanding, perspective, and knowledge application.
Quotes Fuel Wisdom
I’ve always loved a good quote.
Since childhood, I’ve copied down powerful quotes that I want to come back to and reflect on.
My first journals weren’t original thoughts; they were just lists of quotes from various sources that inspired me.
The quotes shifted my perspective.
The knowledge called me to action.
The same concept can be explained countless ways, but it only takes one to resonate with a particular person at a given time.
A sentence can change a life.
wonderful account was an easy subscribe for me when I joined Substack because of the name of his newsletter alone.Quotes provide wisdom to the willing.
They’re fuel to our respective fires that ignite understanding and direction.
Every morning, Max provides food for thought through a simple quote and a brief elaboration. This simplicity allows us to make sense of each pearl of wisdom he shares in our own way. No explanations needed, as the intent is to encourage thought.
After months of following him, I finally realized he was also an author.
Following the loss of his girlfriend over two decades ago, his life was turned upside down. He sought wisdom from reading and power from perspective to help him continue on. What transpired was the evolution of a man wanting to transcend his experience. Through tragedy came opportunity for growth and an eventual calling to disseminate the same knowledge that helped him persevere.
Resilience is a skill that requires intention, focus, and consistency. Resilient men and women are not born but made through their response to adversity and decisions to fully live despite hardship.
Max’s story is a beautiful example that we can endure the lowest of lows to eventually reach the highest of highs.
Now a father, husband, author, and continuous learner, Max has turned knowledge into wisdom. Applying the quotes he discovered and now creates, he embodies philosophy.
Lifelong practice is what makes the philosopher.
I’ve read many good books that consolidate empowering quotes encouraging self-improvement. “Inner Peace: Top Quotes, Ideas, and Insights” easily ranks among the best.
Max’s simplicity in delivering powerful insights is displayed on every page. He breaks his book up into 26 chapters that individually cover every imaginable aspect of inner peace and life wisdom. A few of my favorites include: inner peace; letting go & acceptance; balance & harmony; stoicism; resilience; physical & mental health; and nature.
Each chapter starts with a short story about a person who lived and/or learned the concept. What follows are quotes by various philosophers, both modern and ancient, paired with beautiful photography. It’s a quick, easy read that is incredibly powerful with impeccable formatting, organization, and high-quality content throughout.
I have now gone through it twice and bought several copies for friends and family who would benefit from this masterpiece.
Max also shares some of his own quotes throughout the chapters, many of which resonated with me the most.
Here are some of my favorites from his book with my own brief elaborations:
Maxime Lagacé on Inner Peace
Inner peace is when you stop rejecting your current state.
-Maxime Lagacé
Competing with yourself is different than fighting with yourself.
I’m always trying to be better than I was yesterday. This competitive mindset is fuel for my never-ending fire.
Fighting with myself, particularly my current state, however, is a losing battle.
Acceptance followed by agency rather than rejection followed by misery.
Once anger arises, it cannot just be pushed away.
Anger requires reflection and introspection. Reframing and shifting strategies are only possible once underlying anger is understood.
Response over reaction.
Rational over emotional.
Acceptance over rejection.
Embrace your state to effectively navigate.
Letting go doesn’t mean you give up. It means you keep going but you’re indifferent to the results.
-Maxime Lagacé
Focusing solely on outcomes creates unnecessary anxiety and diverts attention from the process.
Results are important, but our control is in the effort and process.
If you do your best, maintain character, look for learning opportunities, and accomplish what you have control over, the results will eventually come.
Stop now. Enjoy the moment. It’s now or never.
-Maxime Lagacé
Life is a series of moments. It’s not about what has happened or what your think might happen, it’s each present moment that presents never-ending opportunities to live.
To improve. To be fulfilled.
Presence is a present to yourself and others.
Simple but incredibly difficult.
The more you do it, the better you’ll get and the more you’ll enjoy it.
Tomorrow is uncertain.
Right now is the time to live.
Relax. You’re not supposed to be happy all the time.
-Maxime Lagacé
Emotions are fleeting and often outside of our control.
Happiness, like anger and other emotions, are by-products of feelings about thought interpretation.
Feelings result from mindsets and circumstance, particularly our perspectives around a given event.
We choose where we place our attention.
We choose where we place our efforts.
Focus on contentment, opportunities, self-reflection, integrity, and resilience.
Embrace challenge, empathy, charitable perspectives, accountability, love, and life.
Sustained happiness is counterproductive.
Performance is highest in between happy and misery.
Homeostasis is the goal.
Recovering from happiness is just as important as recovering from stress.
We thrive in the middle.
Place effort where it counts and let the beneficial feelings result whenever they may.
Keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water.
-Maxime Lagacé
Health is not something to take for granted.
Physical, mental, and spiritual performance are all optimized by health.
The goal is to thrive, not survive.
Support systems are in place to encourage survival.
Thriving, however, is your responsibility.
Self-care is improving your health in at least one domain daily.
Intention, focus, and consistency around enhancing our health benefits life in all ways.
We get to choose how to live every day.
Why not live to the fullest?
As you get wiser, you stop caring about everything and everyone.
-Maxime Lagacé
Sympathy is draining.
Empathy is enhancing.
Understand perspectives without emotions.
Help without hurting.
Let the battle be within. Embrace self-optimization and emotional regulation.
Start inward to expand outward.
The most important quality one can possess is giving a damn.
The second most important quality is not giving too much of a damn.
Agency without over-exertion.
Caring without crumbling.
You can’t change the world if you’re burnt out.
The ego wants to go fast. The soul needs to go slow.
-Maxime Lagacé
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
Agency without urgency.
Harmony is not possible when hurrying.
Reason is not possible when emotional.
Allow the body and mind to work together while emotionally regulated.
Efficiency is continued progress, not speed.
Stay the course in life.
Slow improvements leading to lasting change.
Adaptations will occur allowing for enhanced execution over time.
Continue upward at a pace you can maintain.
By discovering nature, you discover yourself.
-Maxime Lagacé
No distractions.
No certainty.
No objective.
Just presence.
Where does your mind go when it’s not inundated with information?
Allow time in outdoors to expand your perspective. To open your mind. To encourage introspection.
Lose yourself in nature to find out who you are.
Nature heals. Meditation heals. Walking heals. A friend heals. Exercise heals. Journaling heals. Find what heals you.
-Maxime Lagacé
There are no absolutes.
Benefit can be derived from countless endeavors.
In a world full of resources, it can be overwhelming trying to determine where and how to start.
Do something.
Pick a pursuit that potentially could work for you.
Give it a reasonable chance.
Ten minutes a day for a month.
Determine value and proceed accordingly.
There is no right or wrong way to improve or recover.
Find what works for you, ignore what doesn’t.
Fulfillment comes in many forms.
Strive to thrive.
To love is risky. Not to love is foolish.
-Maxime Lagacé
Vulnerability and uncertainty are uncomfortable.
Love produces extreme versions of both.
Living without love feels safe but is stubborn, cowardly, and detrimental.
Fulfillment comes from love.
Purpose comes from love.
Life’s meaning is uniquely revealed through love.
Love others.
Love fate.
Love life.
Live to the fullest with love.
Knowing, understanding, and loving yourself is your first step to everything you want in life.
-Maxime Lagacé
Reflection leads to introspection.
Honest introspection leads to self-understanding.
Self-understanding reveals countless opportunities for improvement and fulfillment.
If you’re going to pursue any form of deliberate discomfort in order to train resilience, start with self-reflection.
Opportunities are not possible without awareness.
Know yourself, accept yourself, improve yourself.
There is nothing more fulfilling than authentically living your best life.
Discipline is short-term pains for long-term gains.
-Maxime Lagacé
Hard now, easy later.
Easy now, hard later.
Discipline is the skill that drives resilience and improvement.
Motivation is unreliable.
Showing up, even when you don’t feel like it, produces progress.
Consistency over intensity, always.
Focus on the present.
What can you do today?
Determine and execute.
Build upon that answer across domains.
Discipline is a superpower for success in life.
Less stuff. Less clutter. Less stress.
-Maxime Lagacé
Wants vs needs.
Materials vs gear.
Obligations vs opportunities.
Busy vs productive.
We objectively and subjectively clutter our lives and minds with unnecessary things.
Improve your bandwidth.
Produce proper proportions on your plate.
Organize the essential.
Minimize to the beneficial.
Reveal what truly matters.
Harmonize your life.
Develop inner peace with pieces of knowledge from the world’s deepest thinkers.
Continuously apply the ideas that most resonate with you to cultivate your own wisdom.
Transcend your life by then finding ways to share it with others.
Max’s example demonstrates we are all capable of overcoming extreme adversity to lead a life of purpose.
What is your calling?
What quotes can you use to add fuel to your fire?
How will you transcend life?
Life is exactly this, letting go, yet to never give up. Thank you for this.. It is exactly where we are in life. This space. In who we are.
I, too, have a book of quotes that I have kept for years and will dust off today. Thanks for sharing. Inspired by this post, I am going to review personal habits that are in alignment with the principles encapsulated in the quotes. Most I have been practicing for so long that they have become invisible. My thoughts are shaped by slogans that I tell myself like the hard way is the easy way, slow down to get there faster, and simplicity is the best way to deal with complexity. Time to excavate and record them, so I can share them. That's what the Wisdom Years are about. Thanks again Kyle, you have struck a chord.