Fire Mastery
Man’s relationship with fire led to our evolutionary rise.
A fundamental part of manhood has historically been competency with fire.
Can one light a fire in any environment?
Does one know how to maintain a fire once it’s lit?
Does one use fire responsibly?
Can one mitigate risk from a fire getting out of control?
Does one know how to prevent a fire from spreading?
Can one put a fire out when needed?
These questions were and are still imperative for humanity.
Skills necessary for fire mastery include:
Devolved Skill
Modern convenience has allowed many to ignore this vital skill of fire competency.
The attributes necessary for fire mastery are no longer required for daily living.
Our disconnection from fire has led us to lose touch with another type of flame - the one within.
The spirit can be described as one’s inner essence:
The symbiotic relationship between the mind and body.
The subconscious.
The internal energy source.
The fire within.
Fire Basics
The four components required for fire generation are oxygen, fuel, heat, and a chemical reaction.
How does this relate to the fire within?
How we breathe provides the oxygen for our fire.
What we consume and how we move provide the fuel for our flame.
How we manage and recover from stress provide support to the natural thermoregulation processes for the heat our bodies evolved to maintain.
How we interpret our thoughts provides the catalyst to ongoing chemical reactions in our minds that manage our spiritual energy.
Effective management and eventual mastery of our internal fire requires the same skills for physical fire competency.
How many only respond to their fires reactively?
Out of control? Attempts at management ensue.
Extinguished? We begin looking or hoping for ways to light it again.
Passively existing until life forces a reaction.
Master the Fire Within
Fire management is an ongoing, active process.
Differentiate yourself by establishing a relationship with this element.
Proactive fire competency allows anyone to use fire to their advantage in all situations.
What are you doing to master your internal fire?
Nothing outside of yourself can provide the necessary components to manage the fire within.
Your life will improve when you develop competency with fire.
Pursue this challenge.
Master this flame.
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I have a paid subscription with Kyle. He knows what he's talking about. He's educated, experienced (military/ personal training/jiu-jitsu), and to top it off, just an all-round decent bloke.
My lower back arthritis and torn hip cartilage have been aggravating me for years, and I've tried all kinds of different routes to make the pain get better or to at least, be able to move normally.
But then I've found Kyle's work. His articles vary from short to deep, simple to technical, and theory to practice. My back and hip are getting better and as far as I'm concerned, Kyle is my physical trainer now. I've dropped a reliance on anti-inflammatories and I'm more able in my body than I've been in years.
But it's the mental game too. Physical resilience translates into mental toughness. This is no joke either. You can train how mentally resilient you are by training with intentional stress, and Kyle's the guy for the job.
Strongly recommend.
An interesting dimension of fire that wasn't explored in the post is its role in necessary destruction for renewal. Like a forest fire that creates conditions for new growth, we may be witnessing a similar process in welfare services. The increasing pressure from digitalization, AI, and changing societal needs could be seen as a purifying flame - burning away inefficient processes that no longer serve their purpose.
The key is distinguishing between what needs to burn and what should be preserved. Like controlled burns require careful planning, transforming welfare systems demands wisdom to protect essential human elements while allowing necessary change.
What aspects of current welfare structures do you think most need this kind of transformative renewal?