Haha how many favourite posts can I have?! This one is just so jam packed with insights, I don't even know where to start. As frustrating (and inevitable) as negative thinking can be you have many great alternatives. It's critical we remember that there is plasticity in our mindsets, if we can be aware enough to see them. I'll be saving this post to remember to come back when I'm in a spiral. Great work Kyle!

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Appreciate you Gen!

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Right back 'atcha! Haha I like to think of myself as the unofficial captain of the RMS fanclub. 😂

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This is a gold mine, Kyle. I'll enjoy continuing to read these through the weekend. Fantastic reminders and insight.

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Appreciate you brother

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This was helpful, thank you for sharing!

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Thank you for the feedback Stephanie!

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Thank you for all the strategies! This is a post that I will come back again when I get stuck with some negative thoughts 🙌

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Thanks Kessie! Appreciate you

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“Impatient people are prone to mistakes, miss opportunities and lack fulfillment.” Ouch. Gobsmacked

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😂 thanks for reading Michele!

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This should be required reading for everyone.

This is what they don’t teach you in school and really it should be hammered in year after year. Definitely a gold mine as someone else said.

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Appreciate it Byron! It is definitely taught in our children’s school - homeschool. Probably one of the many reasons you’re seeing a big cultural shift toward it

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I love this and am so glad I stumbled upon a writer like you! Excellent. I’ll be sharing.

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And right back at you after checking out your profile!

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Wow, thank you, Kyle! That’s such a compliment from a writer like you!

Advice like yours is what I needed after each trauma: honest, realistic, hard hitting enough to resonate. Adding the scientific aspects is EXACTLY what I need now to further understand my experiences.

Thank you for writing - this matters! I’m thrilled I found you!

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That makes two of us! Looking forward to sharing more ideas and collaborating more. Have a great one and all the respect in the world for sharing your story in the way you are.

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Thank you so much, Kyle. It’s greatly appreciated and it seems like you really do get it. Such perfect comments for a Saturday afternoon.

But, yes, I would love to collaborate and chat further - send me a DM

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Thank you very much Allison!

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Kyle, this one was a monster.

Bookmarked, shared, loved.

I highlighted a dozen of passages.

And to be honest, this could be a book, literally.

I learned so much.

Thank you.

P.S. Here's my top 5

"One can’t fix an unobserved problem."

"If everything needs a 10/10, productivity will suffer."

"Outsourcing your feelings to circumstance is unwise."

"The most efficient and effective way to train reframing of your unique negative thinking patterns is to thrust yourself into adversity."

"Learn what your inner demons like to pollute your mind with and then consistently work to abolish them."

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Wow, thank you very much Max. Appreciate you! Maybe we could co-author something in the future!

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would love it

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There’s a lot to think about here. I will have to come back.

Last week I felt disrespected and not listened to. By a major corporation whose products I have supported faithfully. Somehow I made the mental fallacy of individual customers mattering to them. My bad!

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Thanks! I knew I could count on you, well at least for now while you’re making your mark. After you hit the big time I guess all bets are off.

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You matter to me Tim.

At least until I have my own major coorporation…

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Another great post. I kept seeing myself in the patterns, mostly the bad ones. It was the mental equivalent of your Fight Gone Terrible workouts. Thanks… I think. ;)

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Hahah you’re welcome.

It’s actually workouts like fight gone terrible that can help you figure out some of your established patterns for those who aren’t able to reflect. Get yourself real uncomfortable and then find out what negative patterns start to surface.

Prolonged plank holds can be good for this too.

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It may have to be something besides plank holds. I can do a plank all day. I did 10 minutes the other day and quit because of boredom.

BTW, your damn abstack, is a killer. I thought I had strong core. Not far into the second exercise(knees bent), my shoulder blades do not get very far off the ground. You move through the reps fast. Is it better to try to hold the up position for a sec or two?

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You are an inspiration in what I know you’re capable of and have done this far in your life while continuing to do more.

Ps, the workout of the week will involve another good physical test to challenging thinking patterns. Not fight gone bad nor isometric hold. Just finished it an hour ago. Was a good one

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Hahaha throw some weight on your back to make the plank more challenging quicker! Ten min and calling it easy is awesome. How old are you now?

Yes, pausing at the top of reps adds quality and difficulty.

Respect brother 👊🏻

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Duh, why didn’t I think of that? When had a trainer he’d put a plate on my back, I can wear my ruck and do the same. Thanks for the idea.

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I’m very old, chipped, cracked and broken. 77. 😥

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I've been working my way through this post for a couple days now. So useful. Reframing negative thought patterns is definitely something I'm working on, and all the examples you provide are invaluable.

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Thank you Sheridan!

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