I’m so intrigued by what this will do for me that I am definitely in on this challenge!

Even though I do a deep squat in yoga and then later a deep squat holding a 35 lb kettlebell, I can’t quite get up (yet) without my hands. I’m surprised. I’m not sure exactly what is the weak link, maybe several things. So this will be added to the morning routine.

I used to do Turkish get-ups and I’ve been meaning to take them back up but haven’t.

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I’m in the same boat Tim. I can’t get forward far enough to roll forward. It also makes my backwards fall looong. I’m going to try to accumulate 10 min/day in a squat. Not all at once for sure. Good luck!

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Love it guys. Looking forward to hearing about your progress!

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After day one, I was moving more smoothly. It feels like there’s a flat spot in the curve of my back, about 8 inches long above my hips. So it’s not a smooth roll, if that makes any sense. A bit clunky

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It does.

Unique challenges like these help us find our unique opportunities for improvement. As you know, take your time with it and allow consistently to slowly but surely lead to improvement (maybe even structurally)

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Kyle, I love how you recast flaws into opportunities. In the military we called it a target rich environment.

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Tom, me too! There’s also a flat spot on my skull😥

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Thank God for the technical getup. I’ll keep trying but I can’t get forward enough to get on my feet, I’m guessing hip mobility. The technical getup seems to be very close to a Turkish getup. There are a few nuances I’ve got to get clear in my mind.

This is a fun challenge. I say that after only doing 15 reps. I’ll probably change my tune at 50.

Thanks as always.

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Thank you for the feedback Marshall. You’re right in that there are a lot of overlapping concepts and techniques between technical get up and Turkish get up.

Stick with technical get up this month as it’s the more appropriate skill for safe, stable, and effective returning to the feet after a fall for any reason anyway.

In the meantime, play with a deep squat hold. The more comfortable you get in that position, the more your hips, knees, and ankles will open up to encourage the mobility for a hand-assisted reverse burpee.

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Thanks for the tips. Starrett says you should spend 10 min/day in squat and do couch stretches too. Ugh. I guess you’re going to drive me, crying all the way, to do squat holds. There’s another reason, the fall on the back from a poor squat position is a long fall. I WILL do this daily and maybe by 1 April get to 50. Not so sure about the roll to my feet. Thanks for the challenge.

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For me now in my mid-70's, fall prevention/management becomes a vital life skill. My respect for trainers and physical therapists has grown enormously from their recent help with hip and shoulder pain, all due to age-related loss of strength and flexibility. I now have a daily ~60 minute routine of full body stretching and strengthening practices. "Boring", yes, but I never skip them. Thanks for this excellent guidance Kyle! 👏

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Love it Baird! Respect to you for that kind of discipline in regard to your physical health.

Is one of those stretches a deep squat hold? Hanging out in that position did wonders for my lower back, hip, knee, and ankle mobility.

It’s also an excellent position to develop the strength and mobility to fall properly if you unfortunately have to.

Planning a balance masterclass for sometime in the near future. Such a complicated but simultaneously amazing system that can be optimized in almost every area at any age.

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Today's workout consisted of sets of what I've been calling "rolling reverse burpees." I go from the roll into a plank, then to a push up and finally end with a squat hop up.

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I like it!

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I like the connection to martial arts. At some point, maybe in the balance master class, it would be useful to go deeper into defensive positions after the fall.

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Would probably go into defensive positions in a self-defense concepts post or something like that. Wouldn’t directly apply to balance master class which is already looking like it could be spread over 12-20 posts… haha

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I remember on a drunken group outing to a slippy waterfall, I started to slip on the rocks surrounding it, and in a fraction of a second, my years of relentless, laborious break fall training paid off. I slipped big time, and mean my feet flew from beneath me, but immediately accepted it. Did a clinical grade break fall. Everything tucked. Couple of the lads said “You actually fell over really well then” or something like that. And I said “I just know how to fall.” I have no doubt that knowing to break fall spared me from breaking a limb or two, and god knows what medical bills etc (foreign country). So yeah. Knowing how to fall is a damn good investment.

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Especially for a big tree like you! Nice brother

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I hate ask, would you demo the alternative fall?😬

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Haha I honestly thought about recording it but then decided to wait until balance masterclass. I’ll send you something though

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I can’t wait to integrate some of these- variety is the spice of life. I tend to get into exercise ruts (same routine over and over) so forced changes are necessary for me.

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