Challenge accepted! Will be trying this in November.

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Let me know how it is going and goes overall!

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Whooo! So it was a 2:28 time and I was chugging for air at the end, but it hurt so good. Even did a round of your TABADA afterwards to really kick it up a notch. Thanks for the inspiration, I was planning to add some HIIT to my current regime, and this is an excellent way to get back into it. Hoping my time will be faster by the time December is here!

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Fantastic start time! I can’t remember my initial time back in the day but I guarantee it was over two minutes. Looking forward to hearing about your improvement!

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Just wanted to share I loved this fitness challenge and finished all 30 days of 30 burpees, and at least finally cracked 2 minutes, for which I feel amazing! Haha I kept thinking about your burpee record, and wow, you are a machine! Thanks again for a great challenge. :)

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That is awesome! A 30sec improvement is legit! Props. December’s challenge will be put out tomorrow morning. Thank you for sharing!

P.S. what is your name? Feel like I should know that by now haha

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Thanks! Looking forward to next month’s challenge.

You have a real gift for fitness programming! My name is Genevieve, haha nice to meet you officially

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Kyle, I was thinking of you and your initial burpee post the other day, after I hit PRs for both bodyweight and weighted vest burpees. My best times where 100 bodyweight burpees in seven minutes (shaving three minutes off my usual time), and 50 weighted vest (with a 45 lbs vest) burpees in ten minutes!

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Bro, that weighted challenge is wild. Nice work!

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Is your 45 lb weight vest the kind that has the little sandbags that you can place throughout?

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Thanks, Kyle! My vest has these pockets on the front and back that contain little cast iron weights. They weigh two pounds each, and there's two to a pocket. It's a hand-me-down from my "little" brother. I love it for burpees, dips and push ups. I do think I'll invest in a dip belt as well, because the vest is limited to a certain weight.

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Love it. I have one similar but it’s 2lb sandbags for the pockets. It’s great for rucking/other movements where I remain upright but the sandbags slip out when I start jumping around or doing something like burpees.

Will have to look into the one you’re talking about as my go to weight vest for dynamic movements is also a bullet proof vest that only is 25lbs

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The brand is "Fitness Gear." I don't see the exact model or even the brand when I search online. My brother's had it for years, so they might have either changed names or are no longer in business. It's a solid vest. It feels secure and well-balanced.

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I’ll look into it for sure. Appreciate the info regardless!

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